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In the beautiful -- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Exploring on the first day of Vancouver, what's more typical than going to a famous park, right? Stanley Park in Vancouver was so large and incredible that we didn't get to see everything in one day. The Totem Poles was the the first thing on my list to see.

(1st photo: Totem Poles)

(2nd photo: The seawall with a view of the city)

Driving around the park, we came across the popular sea wall. A nice surprise was the lighthouse beside it. Of course we stopped by for some photo ops.

I went on this trip with my lovely coworker, who adored taking photos as much as me. We spent the entire afternoon, and then evening taking photos in this park.

(3rd photo: The lighthouse)

Another must see in Stanley Park is the Rose Garden. There are hedges and hedges of different types of roses. Across the street from the Rose Garden was another flower garden. Different types of flowers occupied the place in such a pretty layout. A horse carriage walked by every so often carrying people. It felt like a fairy tale.

(4rd photo: The garden across the Rose Garden)

Trust me, this park is full of surprises. There is even an aquarium and a miniature train that takes you around the park. Sadly we did not get to explore its entirety. Although, I can say it is truly the best park I have walked in.

(5th photo: On of the rose bushes)

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